IN STORE PICKUP ONLY (for 14+ lb options)
Ancient Mountain Roasted Lamb - Taste of the Wild Ancient Mountain dry dog food is a beverage balanced diet, made from real pasture-raised lamb and whole grains that contain 25% protein to help support bones, joints and lean muscles. It contains prebiotics and antioxidants for digestive health, omega fatty acids for skin health and essential vitamins and minerals for overall health and wellness. Free of grains, corn, wheat, filler, artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.
Bison & Venison - Taste of the Wild High Prairie Canine Formula Roasted Bison & Venison Dry Dog Food is a grain-free formula packed with real roasted meats, fruits and vegetables for a nutrient-dense meal. 32% protein provides energy for active dogs, while prebiotic fiber and probiotics help digestion and immunity. Omega fatty acids promote a healthy skin and coat, making it the perfect nutrition-packed formula for your pup.
Roasted Fowl - Our Roasted Fowl Formula dry dog food provides complete nutrition for adult dogs with 32% protein and a unique blend of three smoked and roasted fowl sources, nutrient-rich vegetables, legumes, and fruits. Loaded with natural antioxidants, probiotics, and prebiotic fiber for a healthy immune system, digestion, and coat, there's no better way to keep your pup healthy and active.
Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb - Experience complete nutrition for all life stages with Sierra Mountain Roasted Lamb, a grain-free kibble with high-quality lamb, lamb meal, egg product, lentils, and more. Added DHA from salmon oil and omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids improve brain development and coat health respectively, while prebiotic fiber from chicory root and essential vitamins and minerals foster a strong immune system. Treat your pup with a delicious fusion of lamb and egg, sweet potatoes, and peas, plus zinc, selenium, and vitamin E for all-around wellness.
Smoked Salmon - Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Canine Formula with Smoked Salmon is a grain-free, fish-protein based formula specially designed for sensitive dogs. With the delicious flavor of real smoked salmon, plus sweet potatoes to provide energy, this recipe offers a unique taste experience your pup will love. It's also supplemented with dried chicory root and fruits and vegetables to promote a healthy immune system and overall wellbeing. Give your pup a taste of the wild.